
Know & Go Guide

Since this is the “Know & Go Guide” for Parents & Kids magazine, I thought I’d offer some of my own “Know & Go” guidance for parents…

Know when you need help or advice & Go ask for it from trusted friends and family.

Know which baby gear is necessary and which is not & Go get rid of the excess.

Know the art of transferring a sleeping baby from the car to the crib & Go teach that magical skill to new parents.

Know when you’ve been in the house too long & Go get out among other people.

Know the value of always having baby wipes–even when your babies are no longer babies–& Go for the full extent and diversity of their useage.

Know that potty training will not last forever & Go reward your child and yourself when there is success.

Know how much activity your family can handle & Go remove any overscheduling from your lives.

Know that screen time is a terrible parent but not a bad babysitter & Go occasionally put on a long movie for the kids while you enjoy a book or a bubble bath…or a complete thought.

Know what your child is naturally drawn to and good at & Go support them in those areas.

Know the love language of each of your children & Go out of your way to express your love to them in that individual way. (The love languages are physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, gifts, and acts of service. Read more about it in The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell.)

Know how to say “No” & Go say it when your child needs to hear it.

Know who the best babysitters are for your family & Go out on dates with your spouse.

Know how to share household responsibilities with the entire family & Go work together as a team.

Know the people and activities that are energizing and life-giving to you & Go be a part of those whenever possible.

Know that there may come a day when your child doesn’t want to talk your ear off & Go be an active listener now.

Know that the days are long but the years are short & Go make the most of the time you have with your children.

Know how important your job is as a parent & Go do the best job you can!

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