Faith,  Family

The 23rd Psalm: A Mother’s Reflections

As I was reading through Psalms, I came to one of the most famous ones–the 23rd. Since becoming a mother nine years ago, so many images and illustrations I identify with involve God as a parent, and here again, I cannot help but compare the Shepherd to a parent.

He makes me lie down.

Even when my children insist that they are not tired, I know that they need to rest, and so I make them lie down. God knows His sheep–His children–and knows that we need rest. Sometimes He literally has to make us lie down.

He leads me beside quiet waters.

When my children are arguing, whining, or generally showing lack of self-control, I often send them to their rooms for time out, which means quiet time away from everyone else. Sometimes this is what it takes to get them to be still and calm and to get a new or better perspective. I need God to do this for me, too. I need to be led to quiet places where I can gain a better perspective.

He restores my soul.

After disciplining my children or having to have hard conversations with them, they need to be reminded of how much I love them and care for them and to know that I am always there for them. Their souls need to be restored–to be renewed, refreshed, or reestablished. God does this for His children; He demonstrates His love for us in so many wonderful ways.

He guides me in the paths of righteousness.

As a parent, I am continually teaching my children–guiding them in the ways of Christ, in how to love Him and love others. I can’t force them to go down particular paths, but I can give them guidance. God continually shows us the paths of righteousness, though He doesn’t force us that way. But if we truly love Him and trust Him and believe in Him, we are wise to follow His direction. It is the best way.

His rod and His staff comfort me.

Let’s all be honest here. Although we didn’t enjoy getting spankings or being grounded or whatever when we were growing up, certainly we are thankful for it now. Without discipline and boundaries, we would have no direction. And the fact that God cares for us enough to use boundaries and consequences in our lives only reinforces His love for us.

He prepares a table before me.

All I can say is that I have prepared a table for my children countless times! I don’t really know what it means that He prepares the table in the presence of my enemies. But I am assured that He tends to me and takes care of all of my needs. “I shall not want.”

I love all of these images. I can see why people instinctively begin quoting the 23rd Psalm when they are feeling afraid. The image of a caring shepherd or a loving parent being so close brings great comfort to our souls. Even when we’re walking through dark and scary–even deadly–places, “I fear no evil, for You are with me.” That is so reassuring. So calming and soothing. I picture my children holding their Daddy’s hand while walking together down a dark alley. Nothing would be different about the alley and what is lurking there if they were walking alone, but their Father’s presence makes them feel much safer. He is going through the scary stuff with them.

“Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” I can’t help but think of my Caleb, who continually tells me that he’s going to stay with me forever. So sweet. And although I don’t actually want him to live with me for the rest of his life, I love knowing that he feels such love and comfort and safety in our home.

I love it when the Holy Spirit helps me read Scripture in a new way, no matter how many times I have heard it or read it before.

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