
God and Sinners Reconciled

“Sin has broken the most important relationship in all of life, the relationship between people and their Creator. This separation alters everything in each of our lives…The bond between God and mankind has been broken. Fear has replaced love. Hiding has replaced communion…Made to live in the center of God’s love, people hide from Him. In the psyche of every human being [since Adam and Eve] lives this weird and uncomfortable battle between hunger for God and a desire to hide from Him…

That’s why it is so wonderful and encouraging to know that Jesus came to earth to be the Prince of Peace. Through His life, death, and resurrection, He would make peace between God and us. By His righteous life, He would earn our acceptance with God and purchase our right to be God’s children. It is this vertical peace that then allows us to live in peace and harmony with one another. The fearful awkwardness between us and God has been forever broken by Jesus, so we can run with confidence into God’s presence and know that He will never turn us away.”

– Paul David Tripp, Come, Let Us Adore Him: A Daily Advent Devotional

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